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3 Ways to Think Like a Successful Entrepreneur

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    Dale Partridge
When we think of entrepreneurs, we picture lemonade stands, candy stores and creative ventures riddling their childhood. Almost as if they were born with some magic mentality to make something from nothing. But let me tell you this: Not all entrepreneurs were born starters. Many of them acquired the skills needed to turn their dreams into a profitable reality. Entrepreneurship is a learnable mentality. In my experience, entrepreneurship is less about knowing what to do than how to think. It’s this subtle difference that separates dreamers from doers .

Three Ways to Start Thinking Like an Entrepreneur:

1. Employment is not an option or backup plan. I can 1000 percent tell you that I am unemployable. It is literally unfeasible for me to work for someone else. It’s not a pride issue. It’s not a skill issue. It’s a mission issue. I was designed to create. I believe if I worked for someone else, I would actually be failing to complete the mission I was created for. This is how most entrepreneurs think. It’s their responsibility to create and to influence and to lead. Getting a job is not in an entrepreneur’s cards. Is it in yours? 2. There is no place for discouragement. Every risk I take is an opportunity to win or lose. The difference is, my mind counts every loss as learning and every win as surefire assurance that I can do this. It’s this shift in thinking that allows me to rarely become discouraged. Every experience is building me into a more confident version of myself. And as entrepreneurs like me tuck more and more wins under their belt, taking risks is easier, turning a dream into reality is faster and becoming more self-confident is natural. How do you think about confidence and risk? 3. My relationships define my level of success. The best entrepreneurs are not as competitive as they are cooperative. Personally, I see my relationships as a direct reflection of my future success factor. When I meet people, I don’t just see friends and community. I see resources, teachers and assets. I understand that every great company is just made up of talented humans, and because of this, my eyes are always open. Entrepreneurs recognize people. They value humans for more than their friendship. They see the potential. Do you? Do you think like an entrepreneur? What’s stopping you from chasing your dream?