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7 Impractical Leadership Principles and Why I Use Them

7 Impractical Leadership Principles and Why I Use Them
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    Ron Edmondson

I talk to pastors frequently who find themselves in a difficult situation. Many times they know the right thing to do, but they can’t bring themselves to do it. Often, the advice I give is simply received with a reply such as, “I know it’s probably the right thing to do, but it seems like it would be easier just to _____.”

I understand. Honestly, good leadership isn’t always practical. Or so it may seem at the time. Think about it. Sometimes it would be easier just to take the most efficient way. It’s less controversial. It allows the leader more control. It happens quicker. I’ve learned, however, the most practical way isn’t always the most prudent way. Let me explain.

Here are seven impractical leadership principles I practice:

I don’t make major decisions alone even if I have the authority. I always invite a team of people, many wiser than me, to help me discern major decisions. I realize it slows down the process. Sometimes it even kills my plans, but it has protected me over and over from making foolish decisions. I try to kill my own ideas. I wrote about this recently HERE, but I try to find the holes in my ideas and even try to talk people out of it after they’ve already bought into it. I know; crazy, right? Time and time again this process has improved the decisions I make and it always builds a sense of ownership for everyone on the team. I always respond to criticism. What a way to slow down progress! Talk about insane. Why listen to people who have negatives to add to the positives? But I even listen to anonymous critics sometimes. I previously wrote theRIGHT WAY and WRONG WAY to respond to critics, but I’ve learned that criticism often is correct and it always makes me better. Whether I yield to it or not, it forces me to consider sides I wouldn’t otherwise. I don’t meet alone with the opposite sex. Unless there is someone else in the office, I don’t meet with females alone. I don’t meet with them for lunch or coffee, except in extreme situations. I know, it’s not practical—and I get plenty of pushback from this one—but it not only protects the integrity of my marriage and ministry, it protects the perception of my marriage and ministry. Which is almost as important. I give away tasks to less experienced people. I do it all the time. I surrender my right to decide to one with many years less experience than I have. Some would call that dumb, but I call it genius. The best leaders on our team were “discovered” this way. I push for best. It’s always easier and faster to compromise. Settling for mediocre saves time and energy … and it makes a leader more popular! I work through conflict to get to the best solution for everyone. I know, time consuming, but in the long run, the organization wins! I watch people fail. You heard me. I’ve let people make a mistake I knew they were going to make. How dumb can one leader be, right? Why not jump in to save the day? I’ve learned, however, that if I do always stop what I see as a mistake, I may miss out on something I can’t see. Plus, I’ve learned my best leadership from the mistakes I’ve made. Others will also. There! So much for being impractical. Way to waste some time. Good job being Mr. Inefficient! But, if you want to be a great leader, find ways to avoid practicality. Of course, when you consider the bigger picture—maybe these are actually most practical. How good are you at being an impractical leader? What other impractical leadership principles have you seen?