I’ve seen so many potentially great leaders waste opportunities because they were waiting for the perfect scenario before they begin to develop as a leader.
They don’t enjoy where they are currently in life or work—so they think there is nothing to be gained where they are now.
They aren’t in their dream job—so they don’t look for the benefits of being in the present situation.
They don’t respect the leader they are supposed to follow—so they close themselves off from learning anything—whether good or bad—from him or her.
They don’t plan to stay in their current work location—so they overlook personal growth opportunities.
They don’t enjoy the people with whom they work—so they miss the potential of building future relational connections.
They are waiting for the “right” opportunity—so they never give their best effort, not realizing their “off-paper” resume (what others say about them) follows them.
What a mistake!
Here are a few things I’ve learned by experience.
There is no guarantee your next location will be any healthier.
Or the leader will be any stronger.
Or you will like it any more.
If you don’t work well with the people you are currently working with—what if the problem is more you than them?
In fact, it may end up being a worse opportunity—the grass which appears greener on the other side often turns out not to be.
Here’s my advice:
Take advantage of where you are now.
Learn all you can now—from every opportunity.
Grow where you are now.
Give your best now.
Build relationships now.
Develop where you are today.
It will build your character.
It will make you better prepared when you reach the job you do love.
And, most importantly,
it’s the right thing to do.
If you don’t see yourself in your current position five years, or even one year, from now—that’s OK—give the next whatever time you have the best you’ve got. Bloom where you’re planted.
There are lessons, principles and wisdom to be gained in every situation. Never waste those opportunities.
Help all of us. Describe a time when you developed as a leader in an environment you didn’t enjoy.