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- Brandon Kelley
We are called to equip the saints for works of service (Eph. 4). The problem is, we struggle to do it. Instead of equipping the people in our congregations, we do the work of 20 people, get frustrated and wonder why no one is showing the potential and desire to become leaders. Here’s my hunch: We pastors are the problem. Instead of seeing our purpose as doing the work of ministry, we must begin to see our purpose as equipping people to do the work of ministry. And when we see the change, we’ll begin to change. And when we change, we’ll step into doing the work of ministry we are supposed to be doing. At The Crossing, we’re working through a mindset pivot while also starting and implementing a leadership pipeline designed to equip and develop the people in our church. Here’s how you can do the same:
First Things First: The Leadership Pipeline
What is a leadership pipeline? You know what they say about assuming…
A leadership pipeline is a framework and a path that allows you to create a developmental plan for each level of leadership in every ministry of your church. The leadership pipeline gives your church the needed structure to be intentional in every aspect of leadership development, from onboarding into the nursery to serving as an Elder. The goal here is to see people be invested in and developed to meet their full potential. The leadership pipeline well executed will make your church a thriving church where a greater percentage of people are doing the work they are called to do. Here’s what it looks like visually:
Visual Pipeline Terms Defined
Step-by-Step: Building a Leadership Pipeline in Your Church
Step 1: Develop an Intimate Understanding of Organizational Leadership and the Leadership Pipeline
The church has been lagging behind in leadership development so I turned to the business community. Let’s face it: The business community has been on the cutting-edge of this and we can learn a lot from them. With an eye to see transferable principles, I highly recommend you pick up a copy of The Leadership Pipeline: How to Build the Leadership Powered Company by Ram Charan, Steve Drotter and Jim Noel. It’s a business book filled with information and insight we need to have in the church. Instead of just buying a single copy, I bought a copy for each of our staff members. The first chapter is worth the price of the book, but I encourage your entire leadership to get this book and quickly work through it in its entirety together.Step 2: Download the Building a Leadership Pipeline Packet
If you’re already part of the RP email community, then you have a link to this in today’s email. If you’re not a part of the RP email community, you can join now and get access to our entire free resource library. DOWNLOAD YOUR COPY OF BUILDING A LEADERSHIP PIPELINE PACKETStep 3: Build Profiles for Every Level of Leadership in Every Ministry of Your Church
Using the visual leadership pipeline above (and in your packet), you are going to identify three things for every level of leadership in every ministry in your church:- Skills – developed abilities ranging from teaching to managing and beyond, dependent on the leadership level.
- Time Applications – the necessary thing(s) that require time at a given leadership level as well as the expected quantity of time required.
- Values – the principles that guide behavior within a leadership level.
Step 4: Build a Training Content Curriculum for Each Level of Leadership in Every Ministry of Your Church
Once you have the training profiles complete, you’ll flip your perspective from top-down on the visual pipeline to bottom-up. Here you’re not simply asking what do these levels of leadership look like, but you’re asking how do we train people to move through their current level and up to—and through—the next level. So, with your profile worksheet in hand and your training content worksheet in hand, you’re going to break down specific learning experiences to help someone move into and through the level of leadership of focus. This begins with onboarding. At the onboarding stage, you’re going to take the profile of the dedicated servant level and deconstruct (then construct) how to get someone to the point that they can do their role effectively. Then move on up the pipeline by using the next profile and the next and so on. In the Building a Leadership Pipeline Packet there is a worksheet to help you in this step.Step 5: Create Your Training Content
This is the step we are moving into at The Crossing. Here you’re going to take your training content worksheet and create (as well as curate) the pieces of your training curriculum. At The Crossing, we’re going to be creating a lot of videos and checklists as well as curating articles, videos and books for the training curriculums we develop for every level of leadership in every ministry of our church. This is going to be the most time-consuming piece to building a leadership pipeline in your church. But when it’s done, you’ll be able to simply iterate and improve.If you want to venture into doing video, here’s some gear recommendations: Camera: Use your smartphone (but be sure to get a mic) Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 – $53.85 (this can get you started) Panasonic Lumix DMC-G7 – $660.79 (recommended by Brady Shearer from ProChurchTools.com) Lighting: Cowboy Studio Photography and Video Lighting Kit – $54.45 Teleprompter: Parrot Teleprompter – $98.00 (this allows you to use a tablet or smartphone with app as the source of the words) Microphone: Rode VideoMic Me Directional Microphone for Smart Phones – $59 (pair this with your smartphone) Audio-Technica ATR2100-USB Cardioid Dynamic USB/XLR Microphone – $69.67 (pair this with the HD Webcam) Rode VMPR VideoMic Pro R – $229 (pair this with the Panasonic Lumix)
If you want to host your training content online, you can use Teachable (which has a free option) or you can build your own membership site (which is what I’ll be doing). I’ve also heard great things about TrainedUp.Church. Check them out, too.