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Ministry Articles
The best articles related to Ministry.
I’m a pastor, and, I hate to say, I sometimes tell lies. Don’t get me wrong, I hate lying. And I try very hard to live a life of integrity. I’m guessing you do too. But do you ever let a lie…slip? Pastors are under relentless pressure to be...
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7 Ways to “Disagree and Commit”
Jeff Bezos of Amazon fame wrote a well-circulated article to his shareholders. You can read it here: Jeff Bezos’ Shareholder Letter In m... -
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5 Steps Young Leaders Can Take to Advance Their Leadership
Most churches struggle to attract and develop young leaders. There are a lot of reasons for that. But instead of writing a blog post encouraging the church to take ground in this area (like I’ve done before) I wanted to take a different angle and spe... -
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How to Know if You're Ready to Lead
It can be hard to know when to jump into the leading position.
I work with lots of young leaders. And, they ask the question a lot of whether I think they are ready to be in a lead position. And, I want to be helpful.... -
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8 Drains on a Pastor's Time (and How to Fix Them)
“The greatest gift you could give me is more time.” The statement was made half jokingly by a pastor. Of course, he didn’t think I could create days with more than 24 hours. But he was busy, overcommitted and worn out. He is not alone. What... -
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Five Ways to Lead in Times of Fear
“I’m not sure there is a safe place in the world today.” The comment was from a friend, a strong Christian and an active church member. Her voice seemed tinged with fear. I understand fully. It is a natural reaction to the events of the days in... -
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6 Reasons Churches Resist Change
Churches don’t change. In fact most churches avoid changing at all cost, even if it means not growing. It’s so bad that I’ve seen churches choose to close their doors over choosing to change. Below are six common reasons I’ve observed why churches ch... -
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How to Handle Rejection in the Workplace
If you’re a creative person, at some point you’ll find a boss, investor, studio or colleague who rejects your ideas. Sometimes it will happen so often you’ll start to question your own ability, and wonder if you’re really crea...
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These 5 Traits Make a Great Campus Pastor
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How to Have Healthy Conflict in Ministry
Eliminate friction!! That’s the goal most of us have when it comes to leading a team, or a church, or a company. But what if friction is actually the key to getting things moving in the right direction. I’m currently in the thick of...- Published on
7 Traits of the Long-Term Pastor
They have been at their present church at least 10 years, often much longer. They have persevered. They have served multiple generations of the same families. They have known the highs and lows of ministry. And they have not succumbed to the si...- Published on
Six Ways Ministry Spouses Get Hurt
“Hey, I’m not on the church payroll. Go complain to someone else!” The moment the words left his mouth, he knew he blew it. His wife was the church’s children’s minister. Too often he received complaints about the ministry as if it were his respon...- Published on
Are Teenagers Returning to Your Ministry?
Do you ever get excited seeing someone new walk in the door of your youth ministry? You feel like you're seeing a long lost relative. Then you panic when they leave at the end of the night, wondering, “Are they coming back?” We all want...- Published on
Three Ways Your Spouse Can Make You a Better Leader
I don’t claim to be a great leader, but I am much better than I would be because of my wife, Kaye. God has used her and continually uses her to make me better. The relationships the Lord gives us are given to us, in part, for our own sanctification....- Published on
My Advice to Leaders: Leave Before You Have to Leave
Here’s some advice I’ve learned watching people in organizations over the years. I’ve seen it in government, business and, sadly, far too often in the church. Some people stay too long. Does this sound cruel? I don’t mean it to, but they do. Th...