U.S. Army Reserve Chaplain

U.S. Army Los Angeles, CA Part Time
4 weeks ago

Job Description

The U.S. Army Reserve is the part-time force that provides essential capabilities to the Army, giving them added scale and scope to respond to challenges at home and abroad. As a chaplain in the Army Reserve, you will be able to pursue a civilian ministry while you train near home and serve your community. You will spend one weekend a month on duty and two weeks a year in training.


a.      Must have master’s degree in a religious field of study (72 Credits or more).

b.      Must have Undergraduate degree (120 Credits).

c.      GPA for both degrees > 2.50 Waiverable

d.      Age < 46 Waiverable up to around age 50

Salary & Benefits


  • Health care
  • Vacation days
  • G.I. Bill

Can be done remote?

  • No

About U.S. Army Church

Other Under 100 people

The U.S. Army Chaplain Corps is charged with ensuring the highest level of spiritual

care for our Army’s Soldiers and families. The well-being of our Army’s soul determines

the quality of its spirit and morale. It is critically important that our Army secures

capable, experienced, and spiritually fit Religious Leaders to answer this sacred call.