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About Horizon Community Church Church

Baptist - Other 251-500 people

We have a simple mission statement. Love God, Love People, Serve Both.

To build an environment where we can creatively learn how to love God and people with everything we’ve got.

We have a Horizon Code that we have been working through for years, posters on the wall and a yearly sermon on them. They are,

1. We are faith-filled, big thinking, bet-the-farm risk takers. Hebrews 11:6

2. We will honor Christ and His church with Integrity and Authenticity. 1 Peter 2:12, 3:16, Proverbs 11:3, 10:9, 28:6

3. We are all about the “Capital C” Church! Matthew 16:18

4. We will love you where you are but we will not leave you there. John 8:1-11

5. We will laugh hard, loud, and often. Philippians 4:4

6. We always bring our best. 2 Peter 1:3

7. We are Spiritual Contributor’s not Spiritual Consumers. Romans 12:4-8, Matthew 5:14-16

8. We will do anything short of sin to reach people who don’t know Christ. 1 Corinthians 9:19-23

9. We will lead the way with irrational giving. 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 

10. We will consistently Hold out the Gospel in such a way that people here that we are saved. By Grace Alone, through Faith Alone in Christ Alone. Ephesians 2:8-9

11. We are a Disciple Making & Reproducing Grounded Church. Matthew 28:19-20

The church is 29 years old and I have been here as senior pastor for going on 28 of those years. Every Church is unique in it's own way. One is not better than another, Horizon is just different.

*We are casual in dress (I speak in shorts and a Harley shirt)

*We will preach on every subject and will not shy away from telling the truth of what the bibles teaches on all things.

*We are not 'politically correct' by the worlds definition.

*We speak the truth with boldness and in love.

*My Motto is that "I will do anything short of sin for the kingdom of God." That is why I have a bible study called 'Holy Smoke" at a local cigar bar.

*We are passionate about reaching people with the gospel in creative ways, involving ourselves in the community that we live in.