Senior Pastor
St. Thomas Church • Bernville, PA • Full Time
Senior Pastor Job Description
1. Worship Leadership – Work in partnership with the Church staff and laity in participating in services of the congregation that offer praise to the Triune God, including Sunday Services, Lenten and Holy Week Services, Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve Services, and other community services
2. Christian Education - Teach in the Adult Sunday School program regularly; lead Confirmation and Membership classes with elder approved curriculum; participate in regular Prayer Meetings, Bible Studies, and Vacation Bible School; have an active role in youth ministries in the absence of a youth leader; and equip the church staff and laity for evangelism in the community.
3. Administrative Responsibilities - Meet regularly with Consistory President and Elders in church operations and planning meetings; participate in committee meetings when necessary to offer guidance; and confer with the Elders in arranging pulpit supply for vacation time is in accordance with the contract.
4. Work in Partnership with Church Staff - Work with Youth leadership in organizing youth programs; coordinate Youth Pastor’s participation in Worship Services; coordinate with the Director of Music Ministries for service planning and special services; work with Church Office Administrator in day-to-day operations.
5. Visitation - In coordination with the Care Team, regularly visit and offer communion to shut-in members, hospitalized and sick members; regularly visit prospective members.
6. Provide Special Services - Baptism - Infant Baptism, Infant Dedication, and Believer Baptism; Weddings including pre-marital counseling and rehearsals; Funerals including bereavement counseling
7. Community Connections - Participate in the local pastoral groups; find ways of being connected in community gatherings or events.
The Pastor of this congregation requires a minimum academic attainment of a diploma from an accredited Bible Institute and seminary training. Ideally, preparation should be a four-year college degree and three-year seminary training and ordination. He/she must accept the church’s statement of faith without reservation, be comfortable with the church’s theological stance and live a blameless life.
Salary & Benefits
$60,000 - $65,000
- Vacation days
Can be done remote?
- No
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About St. Thomas Church Church
Vision Statement: Making Christ's love the center of our praise, teaching, fellowship and service.
St. Thomas Church (Bernville, PA) is a non-denominational church affiliated with the Evangelical Association of Reformed and Congregational Churches. Built in 1897, we have a sanctuary that holds approximately 800, with an addition built in 2002 including an elevator, multipurpose room, kitchen and Sunday School rooms. We are located in a beautiful rural small-town setting, but only 10 miles from major shopping areas. We are actively involved in our community.