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Leadership Articles
The best articles related to Leadership.
When I was starting out in full-time ministry more than 20 years ago, if you had told me that I would one day serve as an executive pastor of a multi-mega church I would have asked you, “What’s that?” More and more I’m running into young church le...
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The Perils of Having Influence
"If God gives you influence, the enemy gives you attention!"We shouldn’t be surprised when we see pastors and church leaders struggle. They are humans—imperfect humans.
I have witn... -
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Calling Out Conflict Avoidance in Teams
Great teams keep short accounts and normalize feedback, which allow them to make small degrees of change along the way. These behaviors allow great teams to create feedback loops, innovate and test new solutions quickly. T... -
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Why Leadership and Power Are NOT the Same
A little bit of power can go to your head. Give some people a uniform, a title or a little bit of authority and they can become a little overbearing and overzealous (the movie Mall Cop comes to mind). People often confuse power and leader... -
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Help for Those Who Do Too Much
Have you ever felt like you were working as hard as you possibly could and still at the end of the day were left with a pile of work that didn’t get done? Ever feel like everyone was coming to you for you to weigh in on every decision that needed to... -
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A Young Leader's Worst Fear
I’m convinced. After years mentoring younger leaders, there is something all of us leaders with more experience need to know.
Every young leader shares some common fears. Granted,... -
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How to Create a Workplace Employees Love
Love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor (Read more →
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Are You a Community Building Pastor?
I have a theory of pastoring successfully today.
To be a kingdom building pastor, you MUST be a community building pastor.
I admit “must” is a strong word—and there are f... -
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4 Signals of Insecurity on Your Team (and in You)
Insecure leaders are never as effective as they could be. Insecurity crushes leadership development, stifles honest conve... -
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7 Lessons From a Pastor Succession Plan That Worked
In 2014, I had a front row seat to the handoff of senior leadership of a multi-mega church from one Lead Pastor to another. Serving on the Executive Team at that time I had the privilege of having a behind the scenes view to the whole thing, start to... -
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5 Steps When the Changes Needed Seem Overwhelming
The first couple years into church revitalization there were more opportunities than time. I was so excited about the potential we had to restore a historic, established church, but my calendar wouldn’t hold anymore and my mind was exploding. One... -
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4 Secrets of the Thriving Church
It’s not faith, it’s not luck and it’s not some leadership secret. Growing churches are actually doing something differently than the other -
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6 Terrible (but Common) Ways Leaders Respond to a Problem
Naturally, there are things you love about the ministry or organization you lead. Probably lots of them. But chances are there are also a few things you don’t love. Maybe even a few things you see that bother you deeply. Being discontent wit... -
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How to Recruit and Keep the Best Volunteers
Every ministry leader has felt it: the panic of not having enough volunteers for an event or program. Or maybe you’ve got the volunteers, but they aren’t engaged and don’t show up on a regular basis. No one told me when I started out in ministr... -
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5 Steps for Leading Through Adversity
As leaders we can’t always anticipate what’s around the bend.
Sometimes life just happens—even in the church. Quality leadership and the kindness of God will help you make it through anything that comes your way....