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Leadership Articles
The best articles related to Leadership.
Many times I teach leadership to organizations whose people have varying degrees of knowledge on the subject of leadership. Some are experienced leaders. Many are just beginning their journey of influence. To help provide a foundation for their gr...
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6 Times to Say "Yes"
As summer approaches, ministry leaders in many churches will spend time recruiting and training new leaders to serve in their church’s kids ministry, the youth ministry, and to lead groups and classes for adults. If you are approached and asked, here... -
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3 Common Ways Leaders Miscommunicate
Great leaders are always great communicators, but not always great speakers. Great leaders may not excel with a microphone, but they are able to communicate what is valued and what direction is being taken. Communication and leadership are intertwine... -
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Time-Management Tips From 8 Self-Made Billionaires
When I first heard about Kevin Kruse's new book Read more → -
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The Quiet Power of Grateful Leaders
I recently watched a Ted Talk titled The Happy Secret to Better Work by Read more →
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How to Tell When It's Time to Compromise
“I’ll never compromise!” “It’s a matter of principle. I’m sticking to my guns!” Some of the most painful wounds in ministry are self-inflicted. But, sometimes, compromise is in order. Compromise. Ugh. I know. We don’t like that word. It s... -
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10 Things I Have Learned Leading Church Change
I left the church planting world to help revitalize and grow an established church. It’s proven to be challenging—maybe slightly more than I thought it would be.
But, God has allowed us to experience incredible energy and... -
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Is Your Church a Successful Failure?
Successful failure is when you successfully execute a plan that doesn’t work. You’ve planed your work and worked your plan. You’ve completed the task on time and on budget. You successfully executed the plan. The only problem is the plan didn’t work.... -
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Pastors, What to Do if Your Marriage Is Suffering
Oftentimes pastors' married lives seem idyllic and dreamy, but I’m here to tell you that’s a myth. I’ve been in vocational ministry since 1990 and I’ve been married since 1994. My marriage stinks…at least sometimes. Last week was one of those times.... -
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What Every Pastor Needs and Can't Live Without
My friend was telling me about the woes of a church in the next town. “They got a new pastor. He moved in and took over. When he got wind of something going on in the church weekday school he didn’t like, he called the principal and teachers in an... -
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How to Spot a High Character Leader
Do you want to know if a leader has high character? You simply have to observe them long enough. We demonstrate who we really are by what we really do.
Leaders with character can eas... -
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3 Challenges of Leading Men's Ministry
Fire is an amazing thing, isn’t it? It can be incredibly helpful—warming your home, cooking your dinner, and when focused, can even cut through steel. Men are similar to fire. Men can either warm families churches and communities, or they can burn th... -
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How This Introvert Handles Awkward Situations
One thing middle age has done for me is make me more aware of who I really am and how I respond to life. I can wish I was wired differently, but I am who I am. I can somewhat adapt my personality to my environment, and I try n...
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10 Passages Every Pastor Should Have Memorized
You will never regret any extended time given to memorizing God’s word—especially when it’s the passages that come up again and again as particularly useful in the Christian life and in ministering to others. These are 10 that will prove especiall... -
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7 Traits to Look for When Selecting a Leader for Your Church
When you are needing a leader and the time has come to begin the selection process, do you know what you are looking for? Is your plan “we will know it when we see it,” or is the process more intentional? If you are needing a plan, I...