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Leadership Articles
The best articles related to Leadership.
If you’re truly going to develop as a leader, you can’t do it without great feedback. The dilemma is that you want to hear ‘well done.’ In fact, you crave positive feedback enough that it’s tempting to only want to hear ‘well done’ rather than...
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4 Harmful Impacts of Leaders Who Need to Be Liked
Typically genuine and kind and reasonable people like being liked. They don’t wake up in the morning wondering if they can cause a new person to hate them today. But needing to be liked is different. When someone needs approval from others, the perso... -
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Dispelling the Myth of Work-Life Balance
Family and work can’t be balanced. The good news is that it’s not supposed to be. You heard me. It’s not in the Bible. Not one time in Scripture are you and I encouraged to live “balanced...
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Have You Become a Hard-Hearted Leader?
If you’re like me, the longer you serve in leadership, the more intentional you have to become at keeping your heart open and fully alive. Hardness of heart is a condition that people on the wrong side of God and people develop. Biblically, Pharao... -
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5 Stubborn Leadership Myths You Should Abandon Immediately
How do you know you haven’t fallen for a leadership myth that simply isn’t true? Answer: Sometimes you don’t. Too many leaders hold a few damaging core beliefs that simply aren’t true. Myths are everywhere in our culture. It’s not that ha... -
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7 Ways to Make Staff Members Want to Stay
Have you ever hated your place of work? Maybe you loved your job, but the place you perform the work is less than desirable. I’ve been there too and had to muscle through. If you relate to this struggle, this article is for you. Or perhaps you are... -
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Why We Fear Cutting Our Losses and Doing Something Different
Leadership demands our time, energy, and often our financial resources. Hopefully the projects and people we invest ourselves in are worthwhile and fulfilling. Often we invest so much of 'us' into a project that we can't imagine not finishing the pro... -
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3 Steps to Setting Achievable Goals
Many people tell me they don’t make resolutions, because they don’t work. They can’t seem to keep them. And, apparently it’s true. Every year I see the same reports telling us how many pe...
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Life Lessons From Fallen Pastors
Pastors and ministry leaders are not above character implosion and wandering from the Lord. In time, their wandering manifests in a variety of self-destructive and disqualifying behaviors. In the last several years, I have thought a lot about “fallen... -
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Building Up the Small Church Pastor
Over the last dozen years or so I’ve had the privilege of ministering with dozens of pastors in other churches. Many of these were in person. Others were virtual. I’ve been in large and small churches. I’ve been to big cities...
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What the Church Needs From the Older Generation
So how do you engage older church attendees…say people over age 50? The question’s been around a long time. And—as most church leaders could tell you—it’s a bit of a loaded question. It’s also a question I’m hearing again and again, particularl... -
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How to Lose Influence in 3 Easy Steps
If a leader loses influence, it rarely evaporates instantly.
It’s usually more like a pin-sized hole in a balloon. The leak is so slow it’s barely perceptible. The balloon flies high at first – seemingly tugging on its... -
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Four Ways to Adjust Your Leadership Style to Fit Your Team
Great leaders are servants of those they lead. Because each person on a leadership team is unique, wise leaders lead each person differently. Instead of insisting that every person adjust to the leader, great leaders adjust to those they lead. Here a... -
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How to Encourage Evangelism in the Church
Invite a friend to church.
What could be so hard about that, right? But we all know it’s more complicated than that. I don’t know what word you like to use. Maybe the term Read more → -
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5 Questions to Ask Before You Attempt Church Revitalization
It seems every week a church contacts me to ask advice about church revitalization. I also frequently hear from pastors who are considering stepping into a role in church revitalization....